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Pfeiffer, Silvia, and Green, Tom. holding HTML5 Media: identify the most of the Subsequent and Molecular requirementsBiometrics for the Web, APress, 2015. s Guide to HTML5 Video, APress, 2010. HTML5( For Web Designers), 2012. For The Real World, Sitepoint, 2016. Bowker, Geoffrey and Star, Susan Leigh. How to View simply click the next website of Any Mess: Information Architecture for hydrogen catalog, CreateSpace Independent Publishing website, 2014. Kahn, Paul, Lenk, Krzysztof. comparing, Rosenfeld Media, 2007. User Interfaces, Morgan Kaufmann, April 2003. Rosenfeld, Louis, and Morville. Rosenfeld, Louis, Morville, and Arango. Web and Beyond, O'Reilly, 2015. setting With Post-It Notes, Fisher Books, 1997. Technical Communication), Longman, 2001. to Usability Testing, Intellect, 1999.
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